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Below is information about the 2018 Skowhegan Moose Festival, which was organized around Maine Inland Fisheries & Wildlife's annual moose lottery. The moose lottery changes locations each year. Check with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife for information on the current year's location.
For a list of all Skowhegan Moose Festival activities, see the schedule.
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Friday, June 8
2-7 p.m.
- Exploratory activities for children, hosted by KVCAP
- Archery range, hosted by UMaine Bryant Pond
- BB gun range, hosted by the National Wild Turkey Federation
7-8:30 p.m.
- Moose on the Loose bed races, hosted by Skowhegan Parks & Rec
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Saturday, June 9
9 a.m.-8 p.m.
- Obstacle course, hosted by the Army National Guard
- Climbing wall, hosted by Skowhegan Parks & Rec
- Exploratory activities for children, hosted by KVCAP
- Archery range, hosted by UMaine Bryant Pond
- BB gun range, hosted by the National Wild Turkey Federation
9 a.m.-5 p.m.
- Face painting, hosted by Main Street Skowhegan
- Antler headband making, hosted by Skowhegan Parks & Rec
10 a.m.-2 p.m.
- Petting zoo, hosted by Tessiers Farm
Noon-6 p.m.
- Kids' coloring contest, hosted by Main Street Skowhegan
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Sunday, June 10
9 a.m.-noon
- Horse-drawn wagon rides, hosted by Main Street Skowhegan
- Exploratory activities for children, hosted by KVCAP
- Archery range, hosted by UMaine Bryant Pond
- BB gun range, hosted by the National Wild Turkey Federation
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For a list of all Skowhegan Moose Festival activities, see the schedule.